Motivating people is critical task. Any one can motivate people but the fact is weather the other person gets motivated or not. “Motivation is an individual direction, intensity, and persistence of efforts in attaining a goal”. To motivate one must be able to influence the following three behavioural aspects of a person:
What type of behaviour does a person choose to get motivated?
How much effort that person is exerting if once he gets motivated?
How long that person maintains the efforts once that person gets motivated towards the achievement of goals?
Some people are really good at motivating people. They always try to find and hit that part of a person, which will exert him/her the most. Sometimes motivating people is a challenge but if we use a different approach as needed by that person then it becomes an easy task.
A person can either be a leader or a follower. Being a leader is tough task. And to maintain that is further a challenge. A leader is a one who guides others along a particular path towards the achievement of particular goal. Developing leadership skills is really important if u want to be successful in an organization. It provides you an edge over the others and helps you in attaining a different personality all over people. This will benefit them a lot in their future and in business life.
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